MIFD 2025 Basket Auction
As of December 29, there are 112 Baskets, 13 “Big Ticket Items” and 22 Giftcards up for grabs, with more on the way!
Some of the businesses/donations that have contributed so far:
- NY Rangers
- NY Islanders
- NY Jets
- NY Giants
- LI Ducks
- Drifters
- MI Pizza
- Alfredos
- Go Burger
- All Island Car Wash
- Bensons Gun Shop
- Adventureland
- Legoland
- Oakley
- Hammer Medical
- Splish Splash
- Osprey Fishing
- Golds Gym
- Cooperage Inn
- BP Gas
- Finks Farm
- Brookhaven Shooting Range
- J&R steakhouse
- Wines by Nature
- Willow Creek Golf & Country Club
- Spring Lake Golf Club
- CPM motorsports
- Desmonds at East Wind